Feedback Ideas

Your Voice Matters: Share Your Thoughts and Help Us Enhance Your Experience!

  1. Additional configuration fields

    Please add the following fields for Filters, Name Gen, Password Gen, Mappings, Roles, Jobs and Scheduler When Created (date) When an object was created When Modified (date) When an object was modified Notes (multi-line text) General notes on what the object does and why it was made Category (array of strings) Tags for grouping objects together

    Mike Sheldon
    #General 🔩


  2. Synchronize name iterations for "Use 1,2,3 ..characters of name part"

    Currently in Name generators "Synchronize name iteration" only applies to "Add number 1,2,3 .. to name part" Iteration but not to "Use 1,2,3 ..characters of name part" kind of iteration. It should work for both Iterations to be useful.

    Serhiy M
    #Processing ⚙️


  3. Filter Usage View

    It would be handy to see what apps are making use of particular filters. Similar to how the connectors page shows you what systems are using them. E.g. this AD Computers filter was found in App1, App2, etc. so if you need to change the filters you can quickly validate in your apps that everything is working as expected.

    Adam P
    #Apps 🪟#Processing ⚙️


  4. Filters Lookups not in Events > Templates

    A client has built a filter with lookups that are available and working in some areas such as 'Mappings' but not available when selecting filters in 'Events' > 'Templates'. The filter is available, but not the lookups. Screenshots attached.

    Gage H
    #Processing ⚙️#Events ⚡


  5. Allow filter lookups against other filters

    Use Case: Define a filter that returns all Active Employees. Now, for the corresponding 'Inactive Employee AD Accounts' filter, instead of defining the inverse of all the Active conditions, just target all the relevant accounts (ie: AD, EmployeeType == Employee, etc). Add a Lookup Exclude against the 'Active Employee' filter using the EmployeeID named, with the Lookup named 'Inactive Employee Accounts'. This functionality would allow us to more quickly implement filters that have both a set of Grant and Revoke criteria that are just inverse of each other.

    Mike Sheldon
    #Processing ⚙️


  6. Send email when threshold is hit

    Many clients want to be notified when their thresholds are hit for the source and target systems. However, the only means of notifying them is by triggering an email on the error state of a sync. There is no distinct "threshold reached" event that we can trigger on, which makes our notifications more vague than they ought to be. It would be great to have such an event that we could use to trigger an email notification.

    Steve M
    #Systems 🛢️#General 🔩#Events ⚡


  7. Ability to Schedule Configuration Backups

    To protect NIM configuration natively, we should provide the ability to schedule automatically backups. This is beneficial when there are multiple NIM Administrators making configuration changes and often forget to back up their configuration.

    Mike Sheldon
    #Configuration 🔧#Scheduler 📆


  8. Cloud Hosted

    Some organizations want to be fully hosted in the cloud for various reasons. Providing a hosted solution for NIM could be benefical to these organizations.

    Mike Sheldon
    #General 🔩


  9. Export Audit Query results via Scheduler

    Allow the ability to export audit query results via the scheduler by use of "export" or "multi-export"

    Mike Sheldon
    #Scheduler 📆


  10. Log Administrator Actions

    When users with the Administrator role/group take actions (login, add/change/remove objects, etc.) NIM should track & log that information for auditing.

    Sean B
    #General 🔩


  11. Attached Files to Mail Templates

    Provide the option to attach files to mail templates. Perhaps we can provide the ability to specify an attachment(s) by specifying a path, filter or audit query.

    Mike Sheldon
    #Events ⚡


  12. Scheduler Exceptions

    We need to have scheduling exclusions available on scheduled jobs. This is needed so you can not process a schedule during maintenance hours or for other reasons. It should operate much like UMRA did in the past

    Mike Sheldon
    #Scheduler 📆


  13. Protect System Collection from deletion

    It would be beneficial to protect a system collection so the retention job does not remove it. It could be for various purposes listed below Legal Purposes Data can't be refreshed Investigation Maybe also an option to tell the retention job to always keep the last collection.

    Mike Sheldon
    #Systems 🛢️#Scheduler 📆


  14. Basic Attestation Functionality (User Access Reviews)

    I propose add on a simple attestation feature that uses information from the Role Model and system data based on its ability to work within the Role Model Ability to categorize resources Type Risk Level Excluded Ability to set owners and reviewers for a resource Owner/Manager based review, with confirmation tracking A review should provide Resource System User Status (New, Approve, Denied) Review Start Date/Time Review Completed Date/Time Reviewer Option to revoke and block access Reports Simple Overview of Reviews (Per User) Detailed view of each review (Per Resource-User) Exclude Resources Blocked Resources

    Mike Sheldon
    #Apps 🪟#Output ↔️


  15. Only send evaluation report if there are changes to be made

    It's no fun getting evaluation reports every hour that show zero changes to be made. An option to only send evaluation reports when there are changes to be made in the target systems would be nice.

    Steve M
