
Unlocking Innovation: Explore the Latest NIM Release - Discover Enhanced Features, Exciting Announcements, and More!

  1. v4.0.1608

    New Release


    • REST - Extend URL Paging to support next page tokens
    • Name Generation - Names not iterated in all configurations
    • Apps - Error processing variables with grids when switch forms


  2. v4.0.1606

    New Release



    Password Generator Access Via Scripts

    Provide the ability to use the password generator via scripts

    Mike Sheldon
    Released 🚀


    Apps - Support tags and notes




    Fix: Updating to version 4.0.1604 removes xxxx.worker.js files



  3. v4.0.1604

    New Release



    Upgrade NIM Service

    Provide the administrator a way check for NIM service updates and upgrade the service.

    Mike Sheldon
    Released 🚀



    Name Generator Access Via Scripts

    We have a complicated onboarding process and it would be helpful to be able to call the name generators inside the scripts.

    Adam P
    Released 🚀



    Export Audit Query results via Scheduler

    Allow the ability to export audit query results via the scheduler by use of "export" or "multi-export"

    Mike Sheldon
    Released 🚀



    Log Administrator Actions

    When users with the Administrator role/group take actions (login, add/change/remove objects, etc.) NIM should track & log that information for auditing.

    Sean B
    Released 🚀


    • Apps - Support grid views
    • Apps - Grid Control
    • Apps - Support modal child form
    • Apps - Support grid buttons
    • Apps - Grid Link & Row Styling
    • Apps - Column Javascript evaluation



    • Apps - Session variables lost after action restart app
    • Apps - Remove access to app designer for non-admins
    • Apps - Input text with icon and label above doesn't line out correctly
    • Apps - Variable validation issue with dropdowns between forms
    • Connectors - Missing Old/New Values with Custom Schema field in mapping
    • Scheduler - Scheduler links in log no longer work
    • Service - When a csv does not end with a new line the last line is ignored
    • Service - Support data files > 2 GB
    • Service - Password reset / Onboarding rows not found for valid input specification



  4. v4.0.1584

    New Release



    Additional configuration fields

    Please add the following fields for Filters, Name Gen, Password Gen, Mappings, Roles, Jobs and Scheduler When Created (date) When an object was created When Modified (date) When an object was modified Notes (multi-line text) General notes on what the object does and why it was made Category (array of strings) Tags for grouping objects together

    Mike Sheldon
    Released 🚀


    • Apps - Progress dialog to provide feedback to end user


    • Apps - App Variable clears on target action
    • Apps - Dirty state NIM forms when opening a form
    • Connectors - Implement Digest support
    • Connectors - Sub property overriding root property with same name
    • Connectors - Microsoft Exchange Online Certificate issues
    • Connectors - Active Directory Delayed response
    • Connectors - Powershell data collection return documents (Performance leak)
    • Service - When logs are written fast, log lines are not always written to file
    • Service - Various log window only show first log file of sequence of log files
    • Mail - Settings cleared when clicking no on save confirmation


  5. v4.0.1575

    New Release



    License Notification

    Provide the ability to notify admins that the license has a issue. Possible conditions: License expiring in X days License using grace period License expired License relation overage License relation within X percent

    Mike Sheldon
    Released 🚀



    Password Generation in App

    Currently it is not possible to leverage the password generator in App's. Please provide this ability similar to the name generation.

    Mike Sheldon
    Released 🚀



    • Apps - Table based dropdown fails variable validation
    • Apps - Table based dropdown input variable not populating table variables
    • Apps - Dirty state when opening form
    • Connectors - Error when removing connector
    • Connectors - Support for large passwords in password field
    • Events - Event filters has no operations for input fields
    • Service - Invalid configuration causes multi-value indexing to fail
    • Systems - Changing guard settings of system doesn't set dirty flag
    • Templates - Sync Job Execution shows variables instead of no rows
    • Templates - Collection guard violation error not properly shown in emails
    • Validation - "Used By" recursive references shown



  6. v4.0.1568

    New Release


    • Apps - Delayed app response when updating the dataset in a large environment
    • Mapping - Run Selected Item button disabled
    • Name Generation - Uniqueness not honored/checked
    • REST - Link headers for Pagination are case sensitive


  7. v4.0.1555

    New Release


    • Support Active Directory Multi-Domain Connector



    • Systems - Invalid characters allowed in system names
    • Mail - Support for specifying name for connection



  8. v4.0.1550

    New Release

    NOTE: Please contact Tools4ever Support for a new license before upgrading. Licensing changes are included with this version that require an updated license.



    • Apps - Support table-based variables with dropdown and radio buttons input
    • Google Workspace - Service level password Hashing
    • Licensing - Added "Exports" module
    • Onboarding - Action button on last form of wizard not removed
    • SSO - SAML logins don't direct to the default app when specified
    • PWR - Placeholder text is incorrectly replaced
    • Systems - Preceding numbers in column names causes errors in filters with script column
    • Systems - Support dynamic dataset update of n-1 relations
    • Templates - Variables with symbols not handled properly in header fields


  9. v4.0.1546

    New Release

    NOTE: Please contact Tools4ever Support for a new license before upgrading. Licensing changes are included with this version that require an updated license.



    • Authentication - MFA Support
    • Authentication - SSO Support via SAML
    • Authentication - Modern Login Flow
    • Self Service - Password Reset
    • Notifications - SMS Support



    • Apps - Timer Variables Support
    • Apps - Radio button input variable options
    • Filters - Filter lookup includes deleted records from the dataset
    • Licensing - Add licensing by module
    • REST - Client Certificate support for "client_credentials" and "authorization_code"
    • REST - Support Custom body in POST request


  10. Empower Your Team with NIM: New Tutorial Videos Released


    In today's dynamic work environment, empowering your team with the right tools and knowledge is more important than ever. That's why we're excited to announce the release of our latest series of tutorial videos designed to help you and your team master the NIM Role Model and its applications. These tutorials are specifically crafted to guide you through managing the role model to provision groups and other resources, as well as creating and managing apps to delegate access, empowering users without providing them full admin access to your systems.


    Streamline Your Operations with the NIM Role Model

    The first part of our tutorial series delves into the NIM Role Model, a sophisticated framework designed to simplify and streamline the process of provisioning groups and resources. Whether you're looking to enhance team collaboration, improve resource allocation, or secure your organizational structure, our tutorials provide step-by-step guidance to ensure you can leverage the NIM Role Model effectively.


    Getting Started with Role Model Management

    Our introductory video, Role Model Tutorial, walks you through the basics of provisioning groups into Active Directory (AD). This foundational knowledge sets the stage for more advanced techniques in managing and optimizing your role model, ensuring your organizational resources are aligned with your business goals.


    Enhance User Empowerment with NIM Apps

    The second part of our series focuses on the creation and management of NIM Apps. These apps are designed to delegate access and empower users, providing them with the capabilities they need while maintaining the security and integrity of your systems.


    Mastering App Creation and Management

    In App Tutorial, you'll get a comprehensive overview of the App Designer. This tutorial equips you with the knowledge to design, develop, and deploy NIM Apps that cater to the specific needs of your users, enabling them to perform their roles effectively without unnecessary administrative privileges.


    Why Invest Time in These Tutorials?

    By investing time in these tutorials, you're not just enhancing your own skills; you're also fostering a more empowered, efficient, and secure working environment for your entire team. Here's why these tutorials are a must-watch:


    • Streamlined Operations: Learn to provision groups and resources efficiently, reducing operational bottlenecks and improving overall productivity.
    • Enhanced Security: Delegate access wisely, ensuring users have the tools they need while keeping your systems secure.
    • Empowered Users: Provide your team with the autonomy and resources they need to succeed, fostering a more motivated and productive workforce.


    Get Started Today

    Dive into our tutorial series today and take the first step towards a more empowered, efficient, and secure organization. Whether you're new to NIM or looking to deepen your understanding, these tutorials are designed to provide you with valuable insights and practical skills. Join us on this journey and unlock the full potential of the NIM Role Model and Apps in your organization.


    Happy Learning!
