Charting the Course Ahead: Unveiling Our Product Roadmap for Future Innovations!
Under consideration 🤔(18)
- 1
App - Date Element - Empty Input Variable
#Apps 🪟 - 2
Allow removal of columns being used for ordering and selection for exports
#Processing ⚙️#Output ↔️#Scheduler 📆 - 2
Allow inserting links into email templates
- 2
Hide Password Reset For Federated Users
#General 🔩 - 2
Provide Filter Count
#Apps 🪟#Processing ⚙️ - 1
Filters - Sort/Order Null Handling
- 1
App Table Settings (Grid, DropDown, etc) - Refresh Filter Parameters on Filter Change
#Apps 🪟 - 2
Action should trigger when "Run selected item" is used in Mapping
#Processing ⚙️ - 1
Update conversions for password generator
#Processing ⚙️ - 2
Exclude characters option for random password generator
#Processing ⚙️
Planned 📃(6)
- 2
Automatically use column types, keys, and relations from connectors
#Systems 🛢️#Integrations 🔗 - 1
Provide option to update user email
#Configuration 🔧 - 4
Cloud Hosted
#General 🔩 - 1
Aruba Airwave
#Integrations 🔗 - 1
Role Model Support for Exchange Online Distribution Groups
#Systems 🛢️#Output ↔️ - 2
#Apps 🪟#General 🔩
In Development ⚒️(13)
- 2
Scheduler Breadcrumb
#Scheduler 📆 - 1
Update Apps Design/Styling
#Apps 🪟 - 1
Multi-Line support in Apps
#Apps 🪟 - 2
Support for Let's Encrypt
#Configuration 🔧 - 1
Improve Installer handling of connectors
#General 🔩#Integrations 🔗 - 1
Session Expiration Warning
#General 🔩 - 1
Maintenance Mode
#General 🔩 - 1
#Configuration 🔧 - 1
Improve Session defaults
#Configuration 🔧 - 1
REST Connector Schema Validation
#Integrations 🔗
Released 🚀(53)
- 1
#Integrations 🔗 - 1
Compose Items
#Apps 🪟 - 9
Timeout Session Length control
#Apps 🪟#Systems 🛢️#Configuration 🔧 - 1
Connector Configuration Sets
#Systems 🛢️#Integrations 🔗 - 1
Windows Defender ATP
#Integrations 🔗 - 1
Google License API Retry on Failure
- 1
#Integrations 🔗 - 1
Synchronize name iterations for "Use 1,2,3 ..characters of name part"
#Processing ⚙️ - 1
Allow sync iteration to be configured per field
#Processing ⚙️ - 2
#Integrations 🔗